Thursday, June 4, 2009

We are excited!

Okay, so it's not as exciting as getting news about an adoption, but we're pretty geeked about it, anyway. We participated in Disney's conservation program at Vero Beach & just got news about the sea turtle nest we sponsored! The eggs were laid on 5/18, and about 60 days from now they can hatch. You can follow along, if you like, by clicking here. It's the little things in life, like seeing baby loggerheads waddle down the beach and into the surf. Does my heart good.


Mel said... turtles!! Well, ALMOST baby turtles!


jacquie said...

Very are the constant nurturer and giving person. That's why you'll make the best mother around :)

Sara Strand said...

Wow- that is really fun! :) What a great program!

Anonymous said...

You visited my blog in January during the OWOH giveaway. My mystery novel is now out and my publisher is offering a 10% discount to those who posted to my blog. The coupon code is DAT10. My website for my book is Come visit me and check out my book. ~Denise

Lorell said...

What a great cause to get behind! I didn't know one could sponsor turtle eggs. They are such amazing creatures.

Jen Mc said...

That is really cool!!!!

Anne said...

Hi, Latharia! My husband and I love sea turtles! It is so cool that you got to participate in a Loggerhead conservation program! Sweet! :-)

Sarah said...

very cool!!! just wanted to say hi...I know it's been awhile!!