Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Short rollercoaster ride

We were on the adoption rollercoaster for a bit a couple of weeks ago. A third birthmother seemed to be a potential fit, so we gave the green light to share our profile with her. It's been 3 weeks now, and the adoption agency has yet to hear back from her. So, we don't know if she needs more time ... if she decided to parent her child ... if she went with another adoption agency .. or what. We've been told that our profile is ready to be sent out to potential interested birthmothers, though, so at least we won't be hanging in limbo. We also have our information up on the adoption agency's site, now, so that's good. I'm not putting a link, here, though, as it's a potential problem with respect to our privacy. Suffice to say that we are happy with how it looks & how it represents us! Just keep thinking good thoughts for us & we hope the right match will come along.


Unknown said...

((Hugs)) on the rollercoaster and Prayers for the best possible results!

Janelle said...

All good thoughts for you and your hubby and that baby that's just waiting for you out there!

Mel said...

Yup...all good thoughts for you and your hubby.
It's a rollercoaster ride, but worth it--really!

*sending peacefilled thoughts*

Jen Mc said...

Hugs and love coming your way! Hang in there - the 'right' one is going to come along.

Dalovely Damanda said...

thinking of you and Ken! You will be great parents! HUGS

Diane said...

This is a horribly tough process and may at times seem hopeless, but . . . just think . . . the reward! You will be a Mom someday! It WILL happen!

Unknown said...

Many prayers for you and Ken on this front.

Lorell said...

I will keep you guys in my prayers. The waiting is so hard! Hang in...:)

Wendy High said...

Many many thoughts and prayers to you!!! I know there is a great baby out there for you!!!

Anne said...

Hi, Latharia! Wishing you good luck and the best possible adoption for you! :-)