Friday, May 23, 2008

It's done! *grin*

We went to Walt Disney World in May 2007 & although I started it in July of last year, I didn't finish it until yesterday! We found the album at the gift shop at the Polynesian resort & thought it was a steal for $35, and now I'm thrilled to have it done, and on our coffee table!If you'd like to see some of the inside pages, click here. (That's all my stuff ... most of the recent things are for the 12x12 Disney album.) Now I'll just need to start working on the January 2008 one for Vincent, with all of my leftover Disney stuff that's out!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Reflections on my hopes to become a mom

Today is Mother's Day & over at the House of Paper, we were challenged to do a page about being a mother, what we think makes a good/cool mom, or why we'd want to be a mother. Since we are within a couple of months of selecting an adoption agency & submitting an application, it seemed very fitting to document my thoughts on becoming a mom. There are so many reasons I want to become a mother ... and so many thoughts I have on the subject. You may click on the above image to look at it closely, or read the journaling here:

I want to become a mom, for lots of reasons. First of all, I think my life would change for the better, providing a whole new depth and dimension to my existence. I think I would really enjoy being a parent, helping a child grow into an adult, even with all the “bumps and bruises” of life. In some ways, it’s scary, being responsible for another human being, but in other ways, it just seems so amazing, to provide guidance & support, and to know when to back off. I like the Chinese proverb: "There are only two things we can give our children. One of them is roots; the other is wings." I believe I would thrive, constantly evolving to meet the needs of a developing human being. There are so many things I would dearly love to share with a child: doing fun crafts, reading together, traveling to fun places, baking cookies, exploring nature, caring for pets, blowing bubbles, flying kites, playing dress up, building forts, making snowmen…the list is endless. I also know there will be hard times with struggles in school, losses of friends, heartaches, stomachaches, lice, allergies, bug bites, temper tantrums, sleep deprivation, making hard choices, living with consequences, setting boundaries, and other unforeseen complications. Nonetheless, I feel strongly that if we expanded our family to include a child, all of us would benefit, and the positives would heavily outweigh the negatives!

We still have to do a home study after we select an agency, and if everything runs smoothly, we'll most likely begin the process of looking for a birth mother in late 2008 or early 2009. In the meantime, please do keep us in mind if you become aware of any birth parents who are considering adoption for their children!

Friday, May 9, 2008

I'm a princess!

Which Disney Princess Are You Most Like? (thorough!)
created with
You scored as Belle

You are Belle!













Snow White


Sleeping Beauty


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Speaking of flowers...

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

"Mischief is your middle name, but your first is friend. You are quite the prankster that loves to make other people laugh."

Drizzly, dreary rain

Well, it's drizzly & dreary outside, with little peek of sunshine, but I am expecting tomorrow to be fantastic. I say this because outside the window, in the rain, I can see our crabapple exploding into color ... our allia reaching to the skies ... and the peonies about ready to split out of their round heads. I am crossing my fingers we make it to the Arboretum tomorrow, amidst our many errands to run. April showers bring May flowers ... the showers are just a bit later than usual this year, so the flowers are too. I can hardly wait for the lilacs to have their 2 weeks of glory. Lilacs are my favorite flower & favorite scent!

Monday, May 5, 2008

I'll admit it...I'm a bad aunt. *grin*

Just kidding ... I'm really quite a good aunt, but sometimes my mischievous side comes out. Yes, I really did "test" Lauren to see if she could tolerate her yah-yee being out of sight, and she could. And I really did tell her I wanted pictures of it, and she posed. And I did rip off a small piece of it when she was distracted. The comical part is that I did all of this about 3 weeks ago. And last week, apparently, she got sick & vomited all over the yah-yee, which is in such a sad state, even she recognized that it wouldn't survive washing. So, I do, in fact, have the only surviving piece of the yah-yee. It's my hope that in 20 years or more, she'll be happily surprised to stumble across this page & be happy I'm such a bad aunt. *grin*

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Wheel ... Of ... Fortune!

You are The Wheel of Fortune

Good fortune and happiness but sometimes a species of
intoxication with success

The Wheel of Fortune is all about big things, luck, change, fortune. Almost always good fortune. You are lucky in all things that you do and happy with the things that come to you. Be careful that success does not go to your head however. Sometimes luck can change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.