Monday, October 22, 2007

Uh ... a snake?

So I was in downtown Chicago yesterday...and as I'm dining at a sidewalk cafe, lo! and behold! a dude walks by wearing a python. At least I think it's a python. I don't know what other snakes get that big & are wearable. Then I started thinking...does this guy just take his snake everywhere? Or is it a "be back in 15 minutes, I have to take the snake for a 'walk'" kind of thing? Or is he, perhaps, transporting the snake for a friend? The possibilities boggle the mind. I don't look twice at people walking their dogs ... but, uh ... a snake? Yeah. I'm lookin'. And I'm grabbin' my camera. *grin*


Sylvia said...

You never know what you will see on the streets today.

katherine. said...

it probably looks really good on a resume:

Professional Snake Walker.

Mel said...

Ohhhhh! Did he have a name and didya getta pet him?!

I don't think Thammy the Thnake would like being draped over the Brit and taken for a walk.
Heck, the BRIT wouldn't like it. LOL

Betcha folks gave him plenty of space! ;-)

Holly said...

LOL! That's too funny! How very interesting...

scrapperjen said...

Ummm...ok... I really don't have a comment for this.

Cheryl Wray said...

Oh my goodness...I would have been freaking out!