Thursday, March 13, 2008

Another post from a friend ...

... that makes me smile. You'd have to know Dawn to believe it, but check out her post about being a household diva. Other than June Cleaver, I have NEVER seen photographic evidence of a woman dressed up to the nines while she cleans her home. I wear the grubbiest clothes I have to do these kinds of chores. What am I missing? Is there really glamour involved in cleaning? Is this related to women who put on make up to go to the gym? Someone 'splain this to me. Dawn, honey ... show me the ropes when I visit you at the end of the month so I can try to wrap my head around this idea.


Adriann said...

I would like to see this. I couldn't find the link.

crazierinreallife said...

Dawn rocks everything she does with glamour and class!!

Mel said...

LOL Whaddagal!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by today and pass the humor along.


Sarah said...

too funny. I'm pretty sure that could never happen to me!! ;) My aunt was like this though...IS like's insane!!!