Friday, February 2, 2007

Focus .... FOCUS!!!

I am trying hard to focus. I feel terrible. Something massively wrong is going on my abdomen. It's been going on for about 9 hours, and I'm heartily tired of it. I ate dinner, and I actually feel better, but I wish it would stop. Nonetheless, it isn't, so I'm still churning through my to-do list.

Here's today's quote from A Fancy Word for Simple:

"I used to be Snow White, but I drifted."
Mae West

I've always liked Mae West quotes. I find her to be a really sassy chick -- she doesn't take any crap, manages to twist a guy around her finger, and doesn't care if people think awful things of her. She's a lady who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get it. I'd like to think I am like her in that respect -- going after what I want, without fear.


Debra said...

love that quote... hope you are feeling better :)

Mel said...

Feel better!!

And I'm rather fond of Mae myself. I'm kinda sassy and defiant like that--and LIKE it. LOL

*shrugs and smirks*

Chiara said...

that is an awesome quote and are you feeling better today