Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Inigo Montoya

A Fancy Word for Simple prompted us to think about our favorite movie quote. I have hundreds, if I really trolled my memories. My brother and I can carry on whole conversations in nothing but movie/TV quotes! So, it took me most of the day to come up with one, all purpose, extra special, favorite quote. Here it is:

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." *grin*


Unknown said...

oh how i love the princess bride. "as yooooouuuuuu wwwwwiiiissshhhhhh" splat.

*chuckle* thanks for the grin!

Karen said...

If you're a fan of the movie you have to read the book. So much more detail on the characters back stories. I loved them all much more after reading it.
'Have fun stormin' da castle!'

Mel said...


I obviously need to stick around to watch a whole movie some day in the near future. I'm missing all the good quotes!