Tuesday, January 30, 2007

confession #4: these are ALL of my shoes!

I own a grand total of 10 pairs of shoes. I simply don't see the need for more. One of these will wear out, and it will get replaced, but I am unlikely to accumulate more. As the journaling says on the left, the funniest part was when I got out my camera to take a picture for this confession, I had more shoes, but after I took the first picture, I realized many of the shoes I didn't need. So I put them in a box to take to goodwill...except for the 1 pair of worn athletic shoes - those are destined to be recycled to make cushioned floors in athletic spaces. Anyway, I wonder if I really do have fewer shoes than any woman I know -- so please, ask your friends to come post & tell me if it's true or not! *grin*


Rebecca said...

I probably have the same amount. I have never been much of a shoe person. I actually could give some away, too. I'm glad this inspired you to donate some shoes!

Jenny said...

I have 3 pairs of trainers, 1 pair of boots, 1 pair of ridiculous heels I can't walk in and 2 pairs of flip flops. I could do with some normal shoes but I loathe shoe shopping. Never been much of a handbag person either unlike most women I know.

Anonymous said...

My name is Birdie and I am a shoe-aholic. There I said it but I have no intention of curbing my addiction. In fact, I just may head out this weekend for a new pair of shoes for the gym. I've been eying a pair of Mary Janes. Hmmm, what color would go best? Seriously, when my DD was in pre-school and learning her numbers she had a homework assignment which was to count all the shoes in our house. After about 10 minutes she came to me and said "Mom, I'm up to 49 and I just can't count any higher and I'm not even out of your side of the closet!" Thankfully, my DH wasn't home at the time and in exchange for her silence I shared the joys of shoes with my DD. At 18 she shares my addiction and happily my shoes size as well. Now to go figure how which lovely pair I will wear today!

kaj said...

I counted 17. I think that at least two pair could be discarded.
I have three purses.
I really need a new purse, but with all the banging and dragging around I do, I don't see the point of buying an expensive one. I usually buy at a garage sale or someplace like TJMaxx.

kaj said...

BTW, Sarah is a shoe and bag freak! I thought that could be to my advantage, but at the ripe old age of 11 (well, 12 in 3 weeks), her shoe size is BIGGER than mine. Wahh!! I thought the point of having a dd was that you could share cute shoes!

Flapsi said...

I have one pair of timberlands, one pair of smart black boots, a pair of flat ones, one with a heel, two smart pairs and a pair of sandals.Oh yes, and some trainers that don't see the gym very often. I hate buying shoes!

Greta Adams said...

oh sista...that is such a shame....you really should own more pair of shoes....at last count which was about 5 months ago i had 75 pairs....now that is a bit much but what can i say...i LOVE SHOES!!!

Run out now and get you at least 5 more pair ;) It will make you feel good...hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

I have about 25 pairs of shoes but probally actually wear or really need about 10 so good for you on the shoes!